
Dynin' Out with Anastasia Kiku

Anastasia Kiku leads Reusables.com in the fight against single-use packaging in the food industry, offering packaging-as-a-service and helping restaurants transition to reuse. Join her mission to minimize waste in the sector.

As Co-Founder and COO at Reusables.com, Anastasia Kiku is on the front lines of the fight against single-use packaging. Reusables is shaping the vision for a zero-waste food retail by providing packaging-as-a-service to restaurants and helping them transition from single-use to reuse easily. After researching the environmental impacts of different industries, Anastasia has made it her mission to minimize waste in the food sector.

Want to know how you can do your part?

Catch the full episode here.

Written by
Nainika Sanghvi

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